Fee Chart
Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 Fee Chart
California Resident $46 per unit
All students (waived for those who qualify for California Promise and concurrently enrolled high school students).
Non-resident additional tuition $359 (plus the $46 resident fee) per unit
All non-California U.S. residents enrolled in more than 6 units except those exempt through California Dream Act (AB 540): International students are required to pay non resident and resident fees for all units including the first 6.
Health Fee Provides health services and accident insurance $19(Spring/Fall) $16 (Summer)
All adult students enrolled in credit classes (waived for concurrently enrolled high school students).
1. Students who depend exclusively upon prayer for healing in accordance with the teachings of a bona fide religious sect, denomination or organization.
2. Students who are attending a community college under an approved apprenticeship training program.
Campus Center Use Fee $1 per unit to a maximum of $5 per semester. Waived for concurrently enrolled high school students.
Student Representation Fee $2 per semester
$1 goes to Associated Students of Gavilan College (ASGC) and $1 goes to the Student Senate of the California Community College (SSCCC)
The local, ASGC, and state, SSCCC, student governments uses these fees to lobby and advocate for student issues and concerns at the local and state level, and to support opportunities for students to attend leadership conferences on issues related to advocacy.
Students may opt-out and request a refund (waived for concurrently enrolled high school students). Contact student accounts to opt out.
ASGC Student Activities Fee $6 Per Semester
Supports campus activities, educational programs, speakers, and cultural events; receive student ID card; receive student discounts on and off-campus venues, free entry into Gavilan athletic events, be eligible for ASGC textbook and John Pruitt scholarships.
Students may opt-out (waived for concurrently enrolled high school students. If you do not wish to pay the activities fee and give up the benefits you may opt-out at the time of registration.
Books and Materials
The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and retail price of required or recommended text books and supplemental materials for each course is available at http://www.gavilan.edu/student/bookstore/index.php
Students who have paid the Student Activities Fee are eligible for the ASGC Textbook Scholarship, application and information available at http://www.gavilan.edu/student/asgc/index.php.